How to Build a Blog Post Template to Save Time

If you are looking to save time with your blog or side-hustle one of the easiest ways to do it is by creating a blog post template.

This means that you will be following the same process each time you create new content. 

It is essentially a blog system or a blogging workflow.

Your goal is to create a repeatable process to help you save time.

Even though I call it a blog post template you can use this same method when you are creating any type of content for your blog (videos, social media, etc.).

I used to waste so much time creating content because I never had a plan to follow or a system setup. 

If you are a blogger who is struggling to write blog content then you need a blog post template. Creating a blog post template for your blog will help you to streamline your content creation process and save you so much time. Get organized with your…

What is a Blog Post Template?

This is just a set of tasks that you create and follow in a specific order. There isn’t a right or wrong way to create a blog post template because it is based upon your own process. It can be as simple or extensive as you want it to be.

Keep in mind, that it is everything related to your content: researching, creation, scheduling, promoting, etc. 

The point is to document your process so that you can follow the same procedure each time. This is what will cut down on time because you’ll know each step of what you need to be doing. 

*You may also like: How to Create Evergreen Content for Your Blog

Why do you need a Blog Post Template?

If you’re thinking right now, “Why do I need a blog post template?” Trust me, I used to say the same thing until I created one. 

It may seem like a lot of work to set one up, but it is extremely helpful because it takes the guesswork out of your content creation process.

Before creating a blog post template I would waste HOURS each time I wanted to create content. 

Not only would I sit there and stare at my screen because I didn’t know what to write about, but I would literally be all over the place with my tasks.

I wouldn’t remember how I would do something in my last post, so I would waste time trying to figure it out or retrace my steps. 

When you have a team having a blog post template is extremely beneficial, but it is also important when it is just you.

It can be overwhelming doing everything yourself, so anything that can be put in place to make it easier is definitely worth it.

One of my favorite parts of creating a blog post template is I can just go through the process without really having to think about it. As a mom of 4, I already have way too much on my brain at all times.

You might not even realize how much of your time is spent on worrying about the next step or the next task which is preventing you from being productive. 

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you procrastinate?

I have! 

Creating content used to be such a daunting task for me that I would put it on my calendar and then find myself constantly pushing back the due dates. I would procrastinate doing it, and before I knew it months would pass by and I wouldn't have created any content.

Having a blog post template has helped me to be more consistent with my content because of how easy it is to go through each of the steps.

How do you create a blog post template?

I briefly talked about this already, but creating a blog post template is just documenting your content creation process and breaking down each step. 

I started my blogging journey back in 2011 on a site that I still run, Frugal Fanatic. I used to pump out several blog posts a week! Not only was it not sustainable but I was literally all over the place with the process, which would then lead to burnout

My content was the backbone of growing that blog so when I wasn’t consistent that meant that I couldn’t market my blog. I wouldn’t have a new post to share on my blog, I wouldn’t have content for my newsletter, I wouldn’t have content for my social media accounts, etc.

My blog posts were the core content that I would use to supply all of my other marketing channels. 

Once I created a workflow for my content, it made it so easy to market my blog and grow my traffic. 

It helped so much that I created a mini-course called Content Mastery for Bloggers to teach people how to plan, produce and promote their content like a boss. 

Besides increasing your traffic with your content, the mini-course will help you implement an entire system for your content process. You can learn more about it here. 

*If you find this blog post helpful, you may also like:
10 Blog Posts You Need to Write to Grow Your Blog

What does a blog post template include?

It is a list of tasks that you can follow each time you create new content. The point is to keep it realistic and tailor it to fit YOUR process.

You need to take each task that you normally complete and see how far you can break it down.

For example, you might have ‘write content’ down as one of the tasks that you complete. But, that is a BIG task when it comes to content creation. 

You can break it down into separate tasks like these:

  • Research content

  • Outline Content

  • Write 1st draft

  • Edit content

This also goes for promotion. You don’t want to just write down ‘promote blog post’ on your calendar. You want to break it down into all the steps of how you promote it:

  • Schedule the post on Facebook

  • Pull quotes for Instagram

  • Share with your email list

How to create your own blog post template

One of the easiest ways to do this is to go through the process from start to finish and document each step. 

Doing this will allow you to make a list in order of how you complete each task.

As you are going through the process you can even add in tasks that you would like to be doing, but don't always get to. 

Try to get as specific as possible. I showed you how you can break down one task into separate steps. 

This is what will help you to complete the tasks without it feeling overwhelming. 

After I did this process and had all of my tasks I then added my blog post template to Asana. 

I personally LOVE Asana

It totally revived my business and helped me to become so much more productive. 

Here is an example of the tasks in my blog post template in Asana:

Blog post template.png

The cool part about Asana is that once you create your blog post template all you have to do is copy it each time you create new content.

Then, you can just assign yourself (or your team members) each task and give it a due date. This is one of the steps that has helped me not only be consistent but to make it not feel as daunting.

You can see in the above picture that I outline the post on a different day then writing it. This alone has helped me to be more creative when I am writing. 

Now that you know how to create a blog post template it’s your turn to implement it with your blog or side-hustle.