How to use Keywords on Pinterest

Most people hear the term keywords and cringe.

They avoid learning about how to use keywords on Pinterest because they think that it will be too hard or take up too much time.

I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be some mythical thing.

You can grow your business with Pinterest by applying a few keyword strategies that will not be time-consuming to complete.

Using Keywords on Pinterest

Pinterest has been my number one source of traffic for both of my businesses. It allowed me to 10x my traffic and explode my email list.

The steps below will help you to write content that people are actually searching for so that you don’t waste time creating content that no one will read.

Using the right keywords will allow your target audience to find your content on Pinterest.

If you are just getting started with Pinterest, be sure to read my how to grow your business with Pinterest first.

What are keywords and how do you use them on Pinterest?

By definition, keyword means:

  • a word or concept of great significance.

  • a word that acts as the key to a cipher or code.

  • an informative word used in an information retrieval system to indicate the content of a document.

Keywords are specific words or phrases that will allow Pinterest to find your content. Since Pinterest is a search engine it is important that you use niche-specific keywords in certain places so that Pinterest pulls your content as a relevant search result.

For example, if you head over to Pinterest and type in ‘first birthday party ’ Pinterest will pull the most relevant content to that specific keyword.

If I was planning a first birthday party and wanted to find inspiration or items to purchase, I would be going to Pinterest to solve that specific problem.

This is exactly what your ideal client or customer is doing.

Do you see how powerful it can be to use keywords?

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Using specific keywords on Pinterest will allow you to get your content directly in front of your target audience.

The more specific the better. In the example of the first birthday party, if I had a business that offered decorations I would want to use keyword phrases like these:

  • First birthday party streamers

  • First birthday party decorations

  • First birthday party ideas

  • First birthday party activities

  • First birthday party games

If you aren't sure what keywords your audience is searching for, you can use the Pinterest to help you get ideas.

For example, type in a word that is specific to your niche and see what pops up in Pinterest.

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Not only will Pinterest pull the top images to fit as a relevant search result, but it will also suggest other words that you can click on to narrow down your search.

These words are all popular topics that are being searched that are relevant to the keyword you typed into the search box.

This is the perfect place to start when creating new content. Go over to Pinterest and do a little research to see what people are actually searching for.

Where do I use keywords on Pinterest?

There are a bunch of different places you can use keywords on Pinterest to help increase your visibility and drive traffic to your website.

Remember, your goal is to get in front of your target audience on Pinterest. You aren’t trying to get anyone and everyone to your site.

When you use keywords your ideal client and customer can find your content which leads to your business website.

#1 - Pin Images

Each of your images that you pin to Pinterest need to have a keyword-rich description. This is how your content will pop-up in Pinterest’s search.

If you are directly uploading images to Pinterest you can add in the description yourself, otherwise be sure to have it in the alt-text description on your blog.

When you have the description in the alt text on your website it will automatically pull that description when someone pins an image from your blog.

#2 - Profile

Your profile is the perfect place for you to include keywords so that your target audience can find you when they are searching on Pinterest. There are two places within your profile that you can add keywords:

  • Name: Along with your name or your business name, you can add a keyword or phrase here. Pinterest has limited the number of characters you can have in your name so you will need to be very specific here.

  • Bio: Use this section to tell your audience how you can serve them and include keywords for your business.

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#3 - Boards

Having keywords in your board titles and description will help your content to be found. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

Instead of creating cute board titles, get specific with the title and think about what your audience would be searching for. Again, you want it to be niche-specific so that you are attracting the right people to your account.

After you have a specific title, you want to use keywords in the board description as well. If you aren’t sure what keywords to use, scroll back up to see how to find examples using the Pinterest search bar. Here is an example of one of my Pinterest boards:

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Each of these three places will help you to maximize your exposure on Pinterest.

Once you know the keywords you want to target, you can start to create content with those topics in mind. This will help you to create content that you know your audience desires.