Is Your Blog Ready for Growth?

If one of your post went viral today, would your blog be ready? Get this free 40-page workbook to help you prepare your blog and convert your audience into loyal readers. Click now...

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Most bloggers are eager to increase their blog traffic and build a loyal audience, but often times they are not ready for more traffic.

Is your blog ready?

You cannot expect to accidentally increase your traffic; there are necessary steps that have led successful bloggers to where there are today.

I hear a lot of bloggers saying that they want a blog with tons and tons of traffic. They want to build a huge community of like-minded people, which is great, but is your blog ready for that kind of growth?

What steps are you taking to reach that growth?

What if one of your posts went viral today…

Is your blog ready for that kind of traffic?

Would you feel happy and prepared for that kind of growth?

Does your blog accurately represent yourself and your brand?

Whether you are new to blogging or have been in it for a few years, you never know when you are going to get an influx of new readers. Maybe another blogger shared one of your awesome posts, or maybe you have a pin going viral.

No matter where that traffic is coming from, you want to be prepared. You want to focus on laying a good foundation for your blog, in order to increase your readership, and to build your blog into a profitable business.

It took me about 2 years to realize that I was holding myself back from growth. Once I made a few changes, I went from 10K pageviews per month to over 100K pageviews per month in 3 short months.

I was definitely not ready for this type of growth, and as I reflect back on it now I wish I would have done a lot more before my traffic began to increase.

At that time, all I wanted was to build a larger audience so that I could connect with more readers. But my blog was not ready to provide my readers with what they needed when they landed on my blog.

{Related: How I Doubled My Traffic and Hit 600K Monthly Visitors}

When someone new lands on your blog what is your goal? You need to have a plan and a clear call to action so that your readers know what to do.

My priority is to capture their email address.

I want my audience to become loyal readers and to come back to my blog again and again. One of the best ways to create a relationship with them is through their email.

But... they are not just going to hand it out to anyone.

Think about your blog it easy for someone new to subscribe to your email list? Are you providing them with value so they are excited to give you their email address?

Do you offer a subscriber incentive? Think of the extra value you can provide and create an email signup freebie. 

There are a lot of steps you need to take to get your blog ready for growth. Maybe you are holding yourself back because of your blog's layout or maybe it is because of your content.


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